Auto Buy and Sell Finally Legal in Communist Cuba – Vintage Cars for Sale?

Auto Buy and Sell Finally Legal in Communist Cuba - Vintage Cars for Sale?

Auto Buy and Sell Finally Legal in Communist Cuba - Vintage Cars for Sale?

Havana - Cuba, communist run island nation, has finally legalized the sale and purchase of any automobiles f0r each of its citizens Wednesday. Cubans have been clamoring for decades the restriction to be lifted and finally it was granted. It is one of the major steps the nation will undergo for its planned economic transformation.

The Cuban Government has announced last April the move but sales should have been on hold till the measure will be published as a law already in the government’s Official Gazette. The law will take effect on October 1 where sellers and buyers must pay a 4% tax and each buyer should make a sworn statement or declaration that the money used to acquire the automobile was obtained legally.

Cuba allowed unrestricted car sales but had been limited only to automobile car models before the revolution in 1959. It is also one of the reasons why the streets of Cuba are considered as the only place on earth where one can find numerous 1950s Classic Vintage American Cars such as Chrysler Imperials and Chevrolet Bel Airs, all in gloomy condition.

Lucky for artists, athletes, doctors and others sent overseas for official business as they were allowed to go back to Cuba with cars purchased such as Moskvich or Lada, Russian-made. A few high ranking company workers were entitled to have company cars but petroleum usage is strictly being monitored to make sure the cars are only used for work or business purposes.


Posted by on Thursday September 29 2011, 6:13 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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