Baltimore Ravens Strengthen Offensive Line

Baltimore Ravens Strengthen Offensive Line

Baltimore Ravens Strengthen Offensive Line

The Baltimore Ravens apparently had enough of their less than impressive offensive line and decided to do something more than just wait for a strong group to form. General Manager Ozzie Newsome concluded that some new blood is needed after the Ravens yielded 12 sacks and managed to average 64 yards rushing in the first four games of the season.

This is why Eugene Monroe from the Jacksonville Jaguars can call Baltimore his home as he was traded for a pair of draft picks to the Ravens. It is a move in the right direction and one that would come to cement the Ravens determination to win at any cost said defensive lineman Chris Canty this Wednesday during a press conference.

The trade is not yet finalized so Monroe didn’t practice with the team this Wednesday; however, coach John Harbaugh says he expects the giant from Jacksonville to challenge Bryant McKinnie for the starting position in the shortest time possible.

Bryant McKinnie is a 12 year veteran for the Ravens. He is also one of the keys to the Super Bowl win from last year, however, 2013 proved to be a slow starter for the player with less than impressive results so far. Even with his apparent lack of form, McKinnie isn’t the only thing wrong with the Ravens line-up as several key players in the offensive line are still adjusting to their position in this early part of the season.

Posted by on Wednesday October 02 2013, 7:01 PM EDT. Ref: sportsillustrated. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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