Ben Affleck Addresses Hate For New Batman Role

Ben Affleck Addresses Hate For New Batman Role

Ben Affleck Addresses Hate For New Batman Role

Ben Affleck talked about how he deals with the tidal wave of hatred that came his way after Warner Bros. announced that they have cast him as Batman in the “Man of Steel” sequel, directed by the same Zack Snyder.

During an interview on “Late Night” with Jimmy Fallon, the actor said that he can handle the hate, for now at least.

He did confess that his management team advised him to stay off the internet for a couple of weeks when they thought that the role would come his way. The 41 year old actor said he disregarded the advice and continued to think that if he can handle an Emmy snub he can handle anything.

After going online and seeing the vehement reaction of the world public within the first comments of the story, he had to tell his family that “they are going to be Luddites for a while”.

He also talked about his hesitation to take up the bat role, one that had many actors struggle to fill the cape. When he was contacted by the studio executives, he said if they are sure they want him because he is “not 25”.

Ben Affleck said he was on board after hearing the direction that Snyder would take his character, confessing that he is excited about the role.

Posted by on Wednesday September 18 2013, 6:48 AM EDT. Ref: Cnn. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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