Best 10 Tips To Handle Unwanted Erection

Best 10 Tips To Handle Unwanted Erection

Best 10 Tips To Handle Unwanted Erection

Managing an unwanted erection is one of the more challenging issues that some men will face. There are some tips people can use to deal with this erectile issue. When men are faced with an erection that they'd rather not have right now, they will need to use a few simple strategies. This can spare people the embarrassment and indignation of having to deal with this in public. These best 10 tips to handle unwanted erection issues will be a valuable resource for many men out there. Men can cope with these issues by taking proactive steps in their daily lives.

10. Re-position Yourself

Most men will want to shift their seating position to manage their erection. Learning to shift seating positions will help men manage their erection in some surprisingly simple ways. They can use this technique if they need to shift themselves around in an area. Managing the look of an erection is a difficult aspect of how this may work. But there are techniques men can use to mitigate the appearance of an erection.

9. Distracting Yourself

This can take some planning on the part of men everywhere. They will need to find a way to refocus their attention towards a different part of their body. They can create a few nervous tics or habits that will help them manage their erection over time.

8. Refocus Attention

Some men will have a difficult time paying attention when they are dealing with an unwanted erection. They will need to find a way to focus their attention on different aspects in their environment. This can help distract men from their erection, which will give it plenty of time to subside. If men are capable of focusing their attention elsewhere, they will gain a surprisingly useful tool to use to control their erection.

7. Work On Self-Control

It may be important for men to work on their self-control if they want to manage these issues. Self-control is a surprising important skill for most men to acquire over time. This has helped men everywhere develop the repertoire that they need to manage their erections in different situations.

6. Walk Around

Men everywhere have found it easier to manage their erections when they spend time walking around. Moving around to different locations has helped men cope with their erections. This will help men deal with their erections and find new ways of changing how they accommodate the issue itself.

5. Talk Through The Situation

Men can use self-direction to help them cope with a surprise erection. This can eliminate some of the stress that men feel when they are dealing with these issues over time. Most men will want to cope with their unwanted erection by talking themselves through this scenario.

4. Excuse Yourself

Should men be in social situations, this can complicate issues to a certain degree. Some men can go to the restroom and adjust themselves. This will give men time to manage their erection and prepare to head back to their seat.

3. Apply Something Cold

Lower temperatures can help men ease the effects of an unwanted erection. An ice pack can be a great solution men can have if they are dealing with these issues regularly. Applying cold temperatures is also a proactive solution men can take when they want to deal with these issues. This can give men confidence when they are trying to resolve stress in their lives.

2. Avoid Excitement

When faced with an unwanted erection, men will need to find a way to cope with these problems. Avoiding excitement will represent a significant advantage that some men will need to face. This can be difficult when trying to minimize an unwanted erection. Men will need to calmly assess the situation and find an approach that works best for them as well.

1. Change The Topic

Some men will want to discuss other issues or problems at hand if they notice that they have an erection. This can give them some time to think about how they can cope with their erection. It can also lower their excitement levels and give their body time to relax. This may take some planning on the part of men everywhere. An unwanted erection can be a disruption, but it is one that can be managed with the right kind of planning.

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Posted by on Saturday September 20 2014, 2:04 AM EST. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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