Beverage Market 2017 – Entry Exit of Key Players, Identify Opportunities and Challenges


Global Beverage Forecasts is a bi-annual report designed as a global manual to provide both historical consumption trends for all commercial beverage categories, and forecast trends five years into the future. It is mainly numbers based, but includes a short analysis exploring the trends behind the data and forecast assumptions for each beverage category.




Global Beverage Forecasts reports cover soft, dairy, hot and alcoholic drinks and provide a comprehensive analysis of consumption trends, covering -

- 1999-2016 topline consumption data for 31 beverage categories, with forecasts to 2022 measured in both million litres and litres per capita for 82 markets.

- Insightful and valuable analysis of the drivers behind the beverage trends and forecast assumptions for 53 markets - Australia New Zealand, Bahrain, Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon, Kuwait, Oman, UAE, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, South Africa, Nigeria, Bolivia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Panama, Honduras, Costa Rica, Colombia, Argentina, Venezuela, Peru, Chile, Mexico , Brazil, Hong Kong, Pakistan, South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan, India, Thailand, Singapore,Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Vietnam, China, Canada, USA.



Main beverage category groups: Soft Drinks, Bulk/HOD water, Dairy & Soy Drinks & Milk Alternatives, Hot Drinks, Beer & Cider, Spirits and Wines.Individual beverage categories within each main group are as follows -

- Soft Drinks: Packaged Water (excludes all water sold in large containers of >10 liters), Carbonates, Enhanced Water, Flavored Water, Juice (100% pure juice), Nectars (products with a 25-99% juice content), Still Drinks (<25% juice content), Squash/Syrups, Fruit Powders, Iced/Ready To Drink (RTD) Tea Drinks, Iced/Ready To Drink (RTD) Coffee Drinks, Sports Drinks, Energy Drinks.

- Bulk/HOD water: Bulk/HOD water

- Dairy & Soy Drinks & Milk Alternatives: Condensed Milk, Drinking Yogurt, Evaporated Milk, Fermented Milk, Flavored Milk, Grain Nut Rice and Seed Milk Alternative Drinks, Soymilk, White Milk.

- Hot Drinks: Hot Coffee, Hot Tea.

- Beer & Cider: Beer, Cider, Sorghum Beer Spirits: Flavored Alcoholic Beverages (FABs), Rice Wine, Sake, Spirits (excluding Fortified Wine and FABs), Wines: Fortified Wine, Wine Total (Still and Sparkling combined)


Reasons to buy

- Evaluate the very latest beverage category forecast projections to 2022 to enhance your understanding of consumption patterns and evolving trends in the beverage industry.

- Identify the current and emerging trends and future growth opportunities in the beverage market to assess the likely impact on your company’s performance.

- Interrogate the data to understand both the historic and likely future performance of the beverage industry by country and category to support your long-term strategic planning.


Table of Content: Key Points

  1. Africa 23

1.1 Nigeria Market Commentary 23

1.1.1 Packaged Water 23

1.1.2 Bulk/HOD Water 23

1.1.3 Carbonates 23

1.1.4 Enhanced Water 24

1.1.5 Flavored Water 24

1.1.6 Juice 24

1.1.7 Nectars 24

1.1.8 Still Drinks 25

1.1.9 Squash/Syrups 25

1.1.10 Fruit Powders 25

1.1.11 Iced/RTD Tea Drinks 25

1.1.12 Sports Drinks 26

1.1.13 Energy Drinks 26

1.1.14 Dairy Drinks 26

1.1.15 Hot Drinks 27

1.1.16 Alcoholic Drinks 27

  1. Asia 29

2.1 China Market Commentary 29

2.2 India Market Commentary 38

2.3 Indonesia Market Commentary 44

2.4 Japan Market Commentary 49

2.5 Kazakhstan Market Commentary 56

2.6 Malaysia Market Commentary 60

2.7 Philippines Market Commentary 66

2.8 Singapore Market Commentary 73

2.9 Thailand Market Commentary 79

2.10 Vietnam Market Commentary 84

  1. East Europe 91

3.1 Belarus Market Commentary 91

3.2 Bosnia-Herzegovina Market Commentary 98

3.3 Bulgaria Market Commentary 106

3.4 Croatia Market Commentary 110

3.5 Czech Republic Market Commentary 115

3.6 Estonia Market Commentary 120

3.7 Hungary Market Commentary 125

3.8 Latvia Market Commentary 132

3.9 Lithuania Market Commentary 135

3.10 Macedonia Market Commentary 140

3.11 Poland Market Commentary 145

3.12 Romania Market Commentary 151

3.13 Russia Market Commentary 156

3.14 Serbia Market Commentary163

3.15 Slovak Republic Market Commentary 171

3.16 Slovenia Market Commentary 176

3.17 Turkey Market Commentary 181

3.18 Ukraine Market Commentary 184

  1. Latin America 193

4.1 Argentina Market Commentary 193





Contact Info:                                                         

NORAH TRENT                                                      

Partner Relations & Marketing Manager

[email protected]             

Ph: +1-646-845-9349 (US)                

Ph: +44 208 133 9349 (UK)                                                   


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Posted by on Tuesday November 28 2017, 5:51 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Uncategorized. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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