Beverage Tracker Norway Market Share, Opportunities, Segmentation and Forecast


Norway Quarterly Beverage Tracker Q1-17 covering soft drinks, dairy drinks, hot drinks and alcoholic drinks is an essential tool for keeping up-to-date with the latest industry performance and developments on a quarterly basis, covering:


- Top line consumption volumes for Q1-2017 vs Q1-2016, moving annual totals (MAT), full year 2016 provisional data and 2017 forecasts for all beverage categories.

- Carbonates consumption data for Q1-2017 vs Q1-2016, moving annual totals (MAT), full year 2016 provisional data and 2017 forecasts split by regular vs low calorie, and key flavor.

- An economic mood indicator with an at a glance assessment of industry confidence levels, private label performance vs brands and price trends.

- Insightful and valuable analysis of the drivers behind the latest quarterly trends and assumptions for full year 2017.





- Norway experienced a weak, but improving, GDP according to the latest government statistics for Q4-16

- All soft drinks categories (with the exception of packaged water, iced/RTD tea drinks, iced/RTD coffee drinks, and energy drinks) suffered declining consumption; the timing of the Easter period had a profound impact on quarter comparison. Easter fell in Q1-16 and this year will fall in Q2-17

- Carbonates experienced a consumption downturn of around 5% in Q1-17 (due to the timing of Easter), orange flavor suffered a double digit decline and lemon-lime a single digit decline. Cola flavor fared better with an overall 1% decline

- Bulk/HOD water enjoyed positive growth of around 1% in Q1-17, as did iced/RTD tea drinks and iced/RTD coffee drinks, thanks to innovation from Tine SA

- The energy drinks market was the real winner, with double-digit growth, thanks to the launch of two new Monster Ultra energy drinks

- The juice, still drinks, and sports drinks categories all suffered from a single-digit decline in consumption in Q1-17, impacted by the sugar debate

- In the dairy categories, white milk consumption was down slightly, but there were slight gains for flavored milk, thanks to the launch of Litago Uten (sugar-free). Traditional fermented milk also grew slightly, thanks to innovation from the Biola brand. Drinking yogurts continued to edge back in consumption in Q1-17, overshadowed by the much larger traditional fermented milk segment

- Soymilk and grain, nut, rice and seed milk alternatives also showed positive growth in Q1-17, but from a small but growing base

- Beer and cider consumption were both down in Q1-17 by around 4%, but again the timing of Easter made for difficult quarterly comparison.


Reasons to buy

- Gain an in-depth understanding of the most up-to-date trends in the Norway beverage industry to support and enhance your strategic planning.

- Investigate the latest quarterly and emerging annual trends in Norway to back your marketing initiatives.

- Analyze the latest beverage category 2017 forecast projections to make well-informed decisions on the outlook in the marketplace for your company.

- View a selection of the key quarterly new soft drinks product launches and identify competitor activity.

- Access a quarterly Special Focus on a current industry ‘hot topic’ offering qualitative insight from local consultants to determine opportunities for product innovation.


Table of Content: Key Points

1 At A Glance 4

2 Impact Of The Economic Situation 4

3 Highlights 5

4 Market Drivers 5

5 Market Trends 7

5.1 Soft Drinks 7

5.1.1 Packaged Water 7

5.1.2 Bulk/HOD Water 7

5.1.3 Carbonates 8

5.1.4 Enhanced Water 8

5.1.5 Flavored Water 8

5.1.6 Juice 9

5.1.7 Nectars 9

5.1.8 Still Drinks 10

5.1.9 Squash/Syrups 10

5.1.10 Iced/RTD Tea Drinks 10

5.1.11 Iced/RTD Coffee Drinks 11

5.1.12 Sports Drinks 11

5.1.13 Energy Drinks 12

5.2 Alcoholic Drinks 12

5.3 Dairy Drinks 13

5.4 Hot Beverages 14

6 Soft Drinks Quarterly Update 15

6.1.1 Distribution News 15

6.2 New Products & Photo Shots 15

7 Focus On Premiumization In Soft Drinks 17

8 Data Tables 18



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