BlackBerry Smartphones Taken Out Of Inventory Of T-Mobile Shops

BlackBerry Smartphones Taken Out Of Inventory Of T-Mobile Shops

BlackBerry Smartphones Taken Out Of Inventory Of T-Mobile Shops

Following the announcement by BlackBerry of a possible buyout, T-Mobile revealed that it will take out the BlackBerry smartphones from its inventory. The company aims to take out all stocks of the device from its physical outlets in the United States.

David Carey, corporate service executive vice-president of T-Mobile, revealed that the BlackBerry was not popular in the market anymore. He added that maintaining an inventory of the products will be inefficient. Although retail stores of the mobile service provider will not be displaying the devices, customers can still order them if they want.

Carey revealed that the BlackBerry smartphones will be displayed and sold through the store for clients to check them.

The announcement of the pull out of the BlackBerry smartphones followed the revelation of the company that it was available for sale. It also indicated that the company was discussing the possibility of going private with a financial group. The deal comes as BlackBerry smartphone sales have declined and the company may see a possible $1 billion loss for the second fiscal quarter.

Sales of BlackBerry smartphones have declined in the last few years. The device was considered to be popular among business clients. Recently the latest Android and iOS devices have started to take part of the market of BlackBerry devices.

A spokesperson from T-Mobile revealed that the company will continue to provide support for the BlackBerry platform. The spokesperson revealed that customers can purchase the device through the retail store or website of T-Mobile. Customers can also purchase the device through the B2B sales channel. The retail channels of the company aim to deliver purchased BlackBerry through drop-shipping. Although the BlackBerry devices will still be available on the shelf, the stocks of the device are not located in the store.

No statements were released by BlackBerry in connection to the pullout of the BlackBerry smartphone by T-Mobile.

Posted by on Thursday September 26 2013, 11:04 AM EDT. Ref: CNET. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Shopping. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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