Boat Trips To Travel For

Boat Trips To Travel For

Boat Trips To Travel For

For most people a boat trip by ferry is nothing more than the daily commute to their workplace, however, behind the repetitive nature of workdays there lies a trip that brings forward some of the most amazing sites of some of the most amazing cities in the world. The best part is that these short boat trips are unbelievably cheap for the sights they offer.So without further ado here are some of the most amazing boat trips to take:

Staten Island

What better place to start than the biggest tourist attraction in the world. New York offers endless sights for eager tourists, however, there are few ways to get such amazing views of the city of dreams for free. Yes the Staten Island ferry is free and offer views from the industrial areas of New Jersey to the most amazing views of the Brooklyn water front.

Hong Kong

One of the biggest financial capitals of the world also offers some of the most beautiful urban views possible. With a trip that last just a couple of minutes you’ll get the best view of the dense urban skyline and some pretty spectacular sights of the grandeur of the Hong-Kong harbor.

Greek Islands

Who doesn’t want to visit the heavenly Greek islands? If you finds yourself there but in a rush make sure you take the ferry from Piraeusto to Mykonos. There are of course endless ferries that offer amazing views but few compare to the magnificence of the Piraeus port.

Posted by on Sunday August 25 2013, 3:30 AM EDT. Ref: USA Today. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Travel. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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