Brooks will testify in the British Phone hacking Scandal

Brooks will testify in the British Phone hacking Scandal

London — Rebekah Brooks will testify in front of the British lawmakers Tuesday after being arrested Sunday. She will appear before the panel of lawmakers investigating the phone hacking scandal.

Brooks is the former editor of the News of the World.  Despite having the highest-profile among all parties involved in the scandal, Brooks is more than willing to testify whatever she can contribute to close and solve the case.

According to her lawyer, she is innocent and is not guilty all the charges she has been accused to have perpetrated.  He has warned the police of all the possible damages that have been inflicted to her client after being detained for 9 hours without clearly presenting the reason for the arrest and any documents to support the said arrest.

The scandal has caused the resignation of Britain’s top police official, closing the country’s top selling newspaper and even questioning the Prime Minister’s judgment.

Brooks was released after being able to pay the bail until October. She is scheduled to face the panel of lawmakers including Rupert Murdoch, Brook’s former boss.

Since January, Brooks already showed interest in speaking with the police but they opted not to get any information with her. She was so surprised when she was arrested Sunday after receiving a call Friday that she is invited to come to the police two days after the supposed call.

The FBI is helping in the investigation of the case against News Corp after reliable reports sprouted that associates of the company tried hacking calls of the September 11 terrorist bombing attacks’ survivors along with their families.


Posted by on Wednesday July 20 2011, 12:47 PM EDT. Ref: CNN. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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