Charlie Sheen Books a New TV sitcom

Charlie Sheen Books a New TV sitcom

Charlie Sheen Books a New TV sitcom

Los Angeles — Charlie Sheen announced Thursday he will return to television in next year’s summer after being fired in his role in a TV sitcom, Two and a Half Men. After a turbulent year for Sheen, his role in the new sitcom Anger Management will be a good way for him to revive his career. The new sitcom which has already confirmed Sheen’s participation has not yet finalized the network it will be aired next year.

Seen will portray an anger management therapist who uses unconventional methods to cause more chaos in the lives of his patients. Sheen was considered the highest paid actor in TV for his role in the sitcom Two and a Half Men in CBS. He was fired after a public dispute that gone worse with the network and show executives. Chuck Lorre, the show creator, decided to lash him out of the show. His role as womanizing bachelor was taken over by Ashton Kutcher.

Sheen posted some videos in the internet in his attempt to rage his anger with his former employers and bragged about his tiger blood and his winning ways. It was a turbulent and chaotic year for Sheen, having trapped in a legal battle and in rehab for alcoholism and for drug abuse. Currently, the actor realized a lot of things and now seemed to regret everything he did.



Posted by on Saturday October 29 2011, 3:24 AM EDT. Ref: Reuters. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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