Charlie Sheen’s rehab brings sigh of relief to CBS execs

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen's rehab brings sigh of relief to CBS execs

Charlie Sheen's decision to enter a rehab facility to address his long-standing addiction was welcomed by executives at CBS.

The network, who airs "Two and a Half Men" starring the controversial actor, have privately indicated that the show might be better off to remain on hiatus until its star settles his health problems according to the New York Times.

"Two and a Half Men", the network's anchor for its Monday lineup, seems to have continued its success in spite of the troubles in the personal life of its star Charlie Sheen.

The show has been put on hiatus by the network and the show's producer Warner Brothers. Executives plan to replace the slot vacated by "Two and a Half Men" temporarily with extra episodes of "Mike and Molly", another comedy hit for CBS. It has aired after "Two and a Half Men" this season.

Another option for CBS is for Sony Television to give them two extra episodes of its comedy show "Rules of Engagement."

Episodes of "The Big Bang Theory" which airs Thursdays could also be aired instead on Monday nights to fill the 9 p.m. slot. But CBS execs may also continue with the current plan to show repeats of "Two and a Half Men."

CBS is hoping the popularity of "Two and a Half Men" remains even with reruns. Last Monday, 11.2 million viewers watched a previous episode of the show, the best performance at that timeslot in network TV.

In a statement released this week, Warner Bros. and CBS reiterated its support for Charlie Sheen, saying,  "The most important thing right now is that Charlie is seeking help. Any immediate programming or financial implications pale in comparison to his long-term health, safety and well-being."

Posted by on Thursday February 03 2011, 4:25 AM EDT. Ref: NY Times. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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