Cheap Illegal Surgery Becoming Rampant

Because Beauty Is All It Takes

Because Beauty Is All It Takes

Because a dazzling beauty is what every girl’s desire, a woman did everything just to look as beautiful as Jeniffer Lopez.

Ratphila Chairungkit, 25, is a Thai street food vendor who risked every penny she has and searched the Internet to find how to have a “cheap Botox”.

For five years, she had a lot of makeovers all over her face including two nose jobs, two eye-widening surgeries, chin augmentation, lip trimming, skin whitening and dozens of Botox-type injections.

The main goal of the surgeries is to redesign entirely the Thai’s face but thing resulted to what they never expected. "I started to look like a witch," she recalled. Her upper eyelids sagged; her lower lids erupted in tapioca-like bumps. Her chin drooped and her nose swelled.

After costly and painful corrective surgeries, she is now content with her appearance, though it bears no resemblance to her American pop idol.

Thailand is teeming with cheap however risky cosmetic clinics. Their prices are designed to attract the poor, and Thai society defines beauty as fair and delicate. It looks down on the ethnic facial features associated with the lower classes – the wide noses and dark skin most of the country possess.

"I used to look like a factory worker," said Ratphila, now 30, getting embarrassed at an old snapshot of her smiling former self. "Now, when I look in the mirror, I'm happy. With a better face, you have better chances in life."

"I'm lucky I didn't die," she said, trying to smile through her cosmetically corrected face.

But she has no regrets in her life, what happened to her has turned into a business opportunity and plans to open her own cosmetic clinic soon. "Now, I've become a beauty guru. Everyone comes to me for advice," she said.

Posted by on Sunday October 28 2012, 6:35 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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