Chest X-Ray screening Ineffective against Lung Cancer

Chest X-Ray screening Ineffective against Lung Cancer

Chest X-Ray screening Ineffective against Lung Cancer

A new study conducted in the United States released its findings Wednesday saying that people who took chest X-ray screening for lung cancer don’t have higher survival rate as compared those who failed to have their chest X-ray screening. The new study is a follow-up of an earlier study that was already published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in November 2 of last year.

Many people die of lung cancer worldwide because of the thought that chest X-ray is enough for early detection of lung cancer. Chest X-ray has already been considered as obsolete already as compared to modern CT scan.

150,000 participants were involved in the latest study with half of the participants were women. 10% were current smokers and the rest were either former or non smokers. The participants had to choose if they would like to have chest X-ray screening or none at all.

After 4 years, more cases of lung cancer were found out in the group who took the chest X-ray screening but deaths among the groups have no significant difference at all. Over a total period of 13 years, it was found out in the study that 1696 cases of lung cancer were detected in the intervention group while only 1620 cases in the typical care group. On the other hand, 1213 deaths were recorded in the intervention group while 1230 deaths in the typical care group.

Posted by on Friday October 28 2011, 2:02 AM EDT. Ref: Google. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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