Chinese will now practice the “Good Samaritan” rule after Tragic Death of Ignored 2-Year Old Girl

Chinese will now practice the “Good Samaritan” rule after Tragic Death of Ignored 2-Year Old Girl

Chinese will now practice the “Good Samaritan” rule after Tragic Death of Ignored 2-Year Old Girl

After the tragic death of Yueyue, a two-year old girl whose condition was ignored by passersby motivated Chinese citizens to implement the first “Good Samaritan” rule.

The shocking video footage showed Yueyue hit by a van, ignored by passersby and overrun by another vehicle, until a woman finally came to help her. Yueyue was declared brain dead by physicians and days later, the young angel finally died.

The published draft of the “Good Samaritan” rule aims to encourage citizens to help each other, according to reports of Guangzhou Daily. Likewise, the new rule frees Good Samaritans from legal responsibility for the condition of the person they have assisted, except in cases of gross negligence. Further, people who falsely accuse rescuers or helpers without evidence will be subject to punishments ranging from personal public apology to paying fines or even detention. The rule also emphasizes that the burden of proof rests on the accuser of wrongdoing and no on the rescuer or helper.

Prof. Tan Fang of South China Normal University said that they are very grateful that said rule will be implemented. Prof. Fang are one of the members of a foundation who give assistance to helpers wrongfully accused of harm.


Posted by on Thursday December 01 2011, 5:16 AM EDT. Ref: Reuters. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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