Chris Brown and Rihanna Back Together?

Chris Brown and Rihanna Back Together?

Chris Brown and Rihanna Back Together?

New York — Rihanna told the press she is happy with the success of Chris Brown, her former boyfriend, after his music career was affected so much by the controversy both have gone through. Rihanna said she has been resenting Chris Brown for quite a while already but she has already moved on with what happened between them.

Rihanna, 23 years old, said she is excited to see Brown back on track again and starting to build his image and regain his lost stardom. Brown, 21 years old, is currently serving probation of 5 years after he pleaded guilty to felony assault. It can be remembered that he attacked Rihanna few hours before the commencement of the 2009 Grammys.

10 months after the assault, Brown’s Gaffiti album flunked and was a total disappointment. But his latest album, F.A.M.E., proved to be successful as it debuted in the Billboard charts at number 1. I’m amazed on how he handled the situation properly and it’s incredible that he pulled it off, Rihanna said. I really like his music and I will always be a fan, she added.

Rihanna was also successful in her music career as both of her 2 latest albums went platinum and now she is on her way of releasing a new album. Rihanna hopes Brown’s success would continue. She said she did not wish anything horrible to Brown.


Posted by on Wednesday October 12 2011, 5:09 AM EDT. Ref: CNN. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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