Chris Brown Faces Felony Assault Charge

Chris Brown Faces Felony Assault Charge

Chris Brown Faces Felony Assault Charge

The Washington Metropolitan Police Department revealed that Chris Brown and his bodyguard were facing a felony charge and were arrested last Sunday. The singer, together with Christopher Hollosy, reportedly attacked a man outside the W Hotel last Sunday at around 4:25 A.M.

The incident report from the police identified 20-year-old Isaac Adams Parker as the alleged victim of the assault, which may have adverse effects for the 24-year-old singer. According to Parker, he attempted to join the photo that Brown had with a fan. However, the singer appeared to become annoyed and punched Parker in the face.

The bodyguard of Chris Brown stepped in and hit Parker. The report also indicated that the bodyguard pulled the singer into his tour bus. The two were taken into custody at the police station of the Second District. Police revealed that the two men were processed at a central jail cell block.

The Twitter feed of the singer indicated that he was hosting a homecoming party in Washington last Saturday.

No statements were released by the lawyer and representative of Chris Brown. The singer is currently on probation in California in connection to his conviction for felony domestic violence case. The arrest may be considered a violation of the probation, which may mean jail time.

Two probation violation charges were filed against the singer in the past year. This resulted to a court order that required him to complete 1,000 hours of community service.

When the singer pleaded guilty to the felony domestic violence charge, he was sentenced to five years of probation along with labor-oriented service for at least 1,400 hours. The probation reports were remarkable until this year, when he was accused of not completing his community service requirement.

A settlement was reached between the lawyers of the singer and prosecutors, which required Brown to finish 1,000 hours of community service. However, the singer was required to avoid legal problems and an arrest may result to a violation of his probation.

Chris Brown is set to appear before Superior Court Judge James Brandin of the Los Angeles County on the 20th of November for a hearing on his probation status.

Posted by on Monday October 28 2013, 3:34 AM EDT. Ref: CNN. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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