Cloud Computing in Education Sector Will Observe Strong Growth in Coming Years

Pune, India, 13 November 2017: WiseGuyReports announced addition of new report, titled “Global Cloud Computing in Education Sector Market Outlook 2024: Global Opportunity and Demand Analysis, Market Forecast, 2016-2024”.

Cloud computing is creating an effective learning environment for students and new educational approaches have developed, which is expected to increase the penetration of cloud computing in the academic sector rapidly. Due to increasing intrusion of smart phones and tablets, various educational institutions around the world have relied on mobile education.

Learning and education are important for each and every individual across the globe. The growing awareness of literate and education are creating more demand for educational sectors. For learning there is no age. With technology evolution there has been a great development in this field.



As per research report, the Global cloud computing in education sector market to reach USD 17.4 billion and with growing CAGR of 14.7% by the end of 2024.

Especially with technology, cloud computing has provided a new road for education and development. Cloud computing connects more than a thousand students and teaches them online. There is need of good connectivity and system or laptop. Even their education center who offer this kind of study for the student cannot afford the material.

An increasing trend of online learning resources and increasing adoption of mixed education in various educational institutions across the world is expected to increase the demand for learning technology market. Apart from this, the need for implementation of experimental and project-based education is increasing in important subjects like science, mathematics, and engineering as the demand for cloud computing is increasing in the education sector.

Cloud Computing education is not limited to only student, school, college the MNC companies, major industry is also approaching this technology for the development of employees. Various training and course are provided to employees.

The major benefit of this education technology there is interaction with student and teachers, and they can have access to any subject any topic when they want because it already loaded, they can have access to it from anywhere, so even if there are chances of missing online lectures.

Cloud technology is well-known about security and privacy, but with advanced technology and when cloud systems are efficiently implemented, they provide better administration tools rather than helping home systems. Adobe Creative Cloud, Microsoft 365 and Google Apps, Offline Access, Real World Education and Billing Data Protection Protocol.

The adoption of BYOD (bring your own devices) in institutions is growing. The highly developed economies  and with advanced IT Infrastructure regions like North America and Western Europe allows students to bring their smart devices to the classroom, thus enhancing the learning experience for students and faculty.

The best example of this technology is, in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is one of several schools using drop box for cloud-based storage. In the same way, Dropbox announced to provide more than 6,40,000 students and 30,000 teachers in 900 leased schools with the option of cloud-based storage.

The research report on Cloud Computing in Education Sector Market are mainly segmented by services, by development and by geography. The services segment is further segmented by SaaS (Software as a service), IaaS (Infrastructure as a service) and PaaS (Platform as a service. The market is segmented by development as Private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud and Community cloud. By Geography the market is segmented in North America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, Latin America and Asia Pacific.

The major players cover in the report are Adobe Systems, Blackboard, Cisco, Ellucian, Dell EMC, Instructure, Microsoft, NetApp, Oracle,,and SAP.

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