Comments of Phil Robertson Condemned By GLAAD

Comments of Phil Robertson Condemned By GLAAD

Comments of Phil Robertson Condemned By GLAAD

The inflammatory comments of Phil Robertson about gay people were condemned by GLAAD. The January issue of GQ indicated that the “Duck Dynasty” star said "homosexual offenders" will not enter the Kingdom of God.

These comments were quickly criticized by the gay rights group. Wilson Cruz, spokesman for GLAAD, condemned the patriarch of the Robertson family. The statement of Cruz indicated that the comments of Phil fly in the face of the belief of true Christians. The statement added that Phil has no idea about gay people or many Louisianans who are supportive of legal recognition of gay and lesbian couples. The decision of Phil to promote stereotypes has stained A&E along with his sponsors, who are currently reevaluating their connection with a person who shows public contempt for the LGBT population.

A clarification was issued by Phil Robertson in a statement issued through A&E, where the reality series is aired to Fox411.

Phil said that he was a product of the 60s and his life was filled with vices before his life reached its lowest point. He also said that he accepted Jesus as his Savior and his mission is to go out and impart on the people about the reason why he follows Christ and the teaching of the bible. He added that the teaching also indicates that men and women should be together.

Despite this, Phil said he will not disrespect others simply because they are different from him. He added the Almighty created everyone, and he loves all humanity. Phil Robertson added it will be better if everyone loved God and one another.

Posted by on Saturday December 21 2013, 3:38 AM EDT. Ref: LA Times. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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