Condition Of Ebola Infected Spanish Nurse Worsens

Condition Of Ebola Infected Spanish Nurse Worsens

Condition Of Ebola Infected Spanish Nurse Worsens

According to close relatives the condition of Teresa Romero Ramos, a Spanish nurse who became the first person to contract Ebola outside of Africa has worsened significantly. This Thursday, her brother Jose Ramon Romero told television crews that were stationed outside Carlos III hospital that his sister’s condition is worse now and that she was recently intubated.

Four more people have been quarantined at the Carlos III hospital in Madrid, rising the total to seven while eighty more are under strict observation. Among the people who are being put under observation are co-workers from the hospital, doctors who treated her as well as hair salon employees that had contact with Ramos.

Her husband will remain in isolation for the time being despite not showing any symptoms of the deadly virus. Doctors that are currently treating the nurse say that she might have contracted the disease by touching her face while tacking off the protective suit. The nurse apparently said that her training in how to remove the protective equipment was rather rushed.

As more and more details emerge about how the nurse was treated it seems that the response by Spanish health workers was improvised and lacking in basic safety measures.

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said that his country is managing the Ebola crisis quite well while several other European leaders like Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande have expressed interest in how the case is progressing.

Posted by on Friday October 10 2014, 5:02 AM EDT. Ref: The Guardian. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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