Construction in Portugal Market 2017–By Identifying the Key Market Segments Poised for Strong Growth in Future 2021

WiseGuyReports published new report, titled “Construction in Portugal”


Construction activity in Portugal was weak during the review period (2012–2016) due to the impact of the eurozone crisis, which resulted in weak investor confidence and high unemployment rates. A widening budget deficit and subsequent austerity measures implemented by the government reduced investments in construction projects.

The industry experienced a slight recovery during 2015 and 2016, albeit registering a growth of -0.04% and -1.7% in real terms in 2015 and 2016 respectively. This was preceded by an annual average contraction of 10.8% during 2012–2015. This revival could be attributed to the country’s economic recovery from the effect of the eurozone crisis.

The recovery is expected to continue over the forecast period (2017–2021), supported by a gradual improvement in economic conditions, export activity and employment rates. The government’s aim to develop the country’s transport infrastructure and enhance regional connectivity is expected to drive the industry’s growth over the forecast period. In real terms, the industry’s output value is expected to post a forecast-period CAGR of 3.46%, compared with -5.86% registered during the review period.




Construction in Portugal – Key Trends and Opportunities to 2021 report provides detailed market analysis, information and insights into the Portuguese construction industry, including:

  • The Portuguese construction industry's growth prospects by market, project type and construction activity
  • Critical insight into the impact of industry trends and issues, and the risks and opportunities they present to participants in the Portuguese construction industry
  • Profiles of the leading operators in the Portuguese construction industry



This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the construction industry in Portugal. It provides:

  • Historical (2012-2016) and forecast (2017-2021) valuations of the construction industry in Portugal using construction output and value-add methods
  • Segmentation by sector (commercial, industrial, infrastructure, energy and utilities, institutional and residential) and by sub-sector
  • Breakdown of values within each project type, by type of activity (new construction, repair and maintenance, refurbishment and demolition) and by type of cost (materials, equipment and services)
  • Detailed profiles of the leading construction companies in Portugal


Key points to buy

  • Identify and evaluate market opportunities using standardized valuation and forecasting methodologies.
  • Assess market growth potential at a micro-level with over 600 time-series data forecasts.
  • Understand the latest industry and market trends.
  • Formulate and validate strategy using critical and actionable insight.
  • Assess business risks, including cost, regulatory and competitive pressures.
  • Evaluate competitive risk and success factors.


Key Highlights 

  • In a bid to address the growing demand for air travel, in April 2017 the Ministry of Public Work and Transport announced plans to develop a new airport in Montijo, Lisbon with a total investment of EUR4.1 billion (US$4.5 billion).
  • Under the Northern Region Urban Development program, in May 2016 the government announced plans to invest EUR310.2 million (US$343.0 million) to support economic growth in the Braganca, Alto Douro region of Vila Real and Tras-os-Montes districts. This includes the construction of various social facilities, healthcare centers and schools in these regions. The government plans to initiate the program in 2018, with completion scheduled in 2021.
  • The government’s effort to reduce traffic congestion and enhance regional connectivity in urban areas through the development of public transport infrastructure is expected to bode well for the infrastructure construction market over the forecast period. As a part of the National Reform Program, in April 2016 the government announced plans to invest EUR485.0 million (US$536.3 million) until 2020 for the expansion of the metro rail networks in Lisbon and Oporto. According to the infrastructure construction market is expected to post a nominal forecast-period CAGR of 5.14%, as compared to -9.84% registered during the review period.
  • The government aims to transform the country into a digital economy by 2020. Accordingly, under the National Broadband Strategy 2020, the government announced plans to provide internet accessibility with 30.0Mbps speed to all households; and 100.0Mbps internet speed to at least 50.0% of the total population by 2020. This is expected to drive funding towards telecommunication infrastructure projects over the forecast period.
  • Ongoing urbanization in the country is expected to create fresh demand for new residential units over the forecast period. According to the residential construction market is expected to increase in importance over the forecast period, to account for 13.1% of the industry’s total value in 2021.


Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary
2 Industry Outlook

3 Key Issues and Developments
4 Market Data Analysis

5 Company Profile: SDC Investimentos SGPS SA

6 Company Profile: Casais – Engenharia e Construcao SA

7 Company Profile: Conduril – Engenharia SA

8 Company Profile: Empresa Portuguesa de Obras Subterraneas SA

9 Company Profile: Mota-Engil SGPS SA

10 Appendix




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