Corey Stoll From House Of Cards May Join “Ant-Man” Cast

Corey Stoll From House Of Cards May Join “Ant-Man” Cast

Corey Stoll From House Of Cards May Join “Ant-Man” Cast

The highly anticipated “Ant-Man” movie has taken another step closer to being made with Corey Stoll of “House of Cards” fame rumored to join the cast.

The Marvel Studios movie that will be directed by Edgar Wright added a talented newcomer to a cast that is looking more and more impressive as the movie progresses. Stoll is still in early talks with no new information being released, and no indication of what role he might play.

Paul Rudd will supposedly play Scott Lang while Michael Douglas will play Hank Pym leaving Stoll as a possible choice for Ant Man. However, a new character, or even a villain might be Corey Stoll’s role with neither Marvel nor director Edgar Wright giving anything away. Other names rumored to join the cast are Evangeline Lilly, Michael Pena and Patrick Wilson.

“Ant-Man” is one of Marvel’s most important movies, being scheduled to come out after the release of “The Avengers: Age of Ultron,” showing that Marvel is ready to start phase three of its action-hero movies.

With “Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy and the 2015 scheduled Avengers sequel, the third phase of movies is still a mystery to most fans with Ant-Man being the only confirmed movie.

Posted by on Thursday March 27 2014, 6:02 PM EDT. Ref: MTV. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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