David Letterman Interviews Replacement Stephen Colbert

David Letterman Interviews Replacement Stephen Colbert

David Letterman Interviews Replacement Stephen Colbert

David Letterman introduced his recently announced “Late Show” replacement, Stephen Colbert by interviewing him and even taking a selfie together this Tuesday night.

During the interview, Letterman gave his seal of approval for CBS’ choice calling Colbert “the new kid,” “my friend” and saying that the future host is always funny. CBS made the announcement that they signed Stephen Colbert for a several year contract back on the 10th of April just a couple of days after David Letterman announced he will retire in 2015.

During the interview, Colbert, who has three children, was asked about his family. He answered saying that both his wife and children are “preparing” to see much more of him. He also mentioned that he will be ending his Comedy Central run this year and preparing to take over “Late Night” from Letterman.

Stephen Colbert tried to distinguish himself from his on-air “Colbert Report” persona both in speech mannerisms as well as his hair style and glasses. He then continued to praise Letterman for his amazing run saying that he will try to do exactly what he has.

He then talked about trying to get an intern job for the Late Night show back in 1986 and even submitted a writing sample in 1997 to get a job as a writer.

Posted by on Friday April 25 2014, 3:18 AM EDT. Ref: cnn. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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