Dead Plastic Surgeon’s Estate Hit With More Than 20 Negligence Lawsuits

Medical Negligence

Judith Julian of Arizona has filed a negligence suit against the estate of Santa Fe plastic surgeon Daniel Ronel. In the suit Julian claims that the surgery center Ronel worked failed to recognize that Ronel was not competent to undertake the surgeries and failure to provide pre-operative and post-operative services. Julian claims that due to her allegedly erroneous plastic surgery that she suffered "bodily injury, physical and emotional, past and future pain and suffering, permanent disfigurement, past and future medical and related expenses and partial loss of enjoyment of life."

Daniel Ronel died in a car accident only a few days before the New Mexico Medical Board was to review negligence charges against him.

Julian's suit was filed in state District Court on Monday and also names as defendants Daniel Ronel's professional corporation, the deceased's wife Elizabeth Ronel as the personal representative of his estate, and Physicians Plaza Surgery Center of Santa Fe, where Ronel worked.

So far there have been at least 20 different negligence claims filed against Daniel Ronel's estate. Most of the suits seek considerable monetary damages for allegedly botched surgeries performed by Ronel. Additionally, the suits seek to retrieve the costs of the surgery, down payments and emotional, physical and psychological damages due to the pain and suffering that ensued.

The numerous claims of medical negligence stem from procedures Ronel performed called abdominoplasty or "tummy tucks" and a surgical removal of dead or damaged tissue.
The financial amount sought in each individual negligence suit is not known.

Posted by on Friday October 28 2011, 1:47 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Nation, Original. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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