Dennis Rodman Issues Apology For Not Being Able To Help Bae

Dennis Rodman Issues Apology For Not Being Able To Help Bae

Dennis Rodman Issues Apology For Not Being Able To Help Bae

Dennis Rodman Issues Apology For Not Being Able To Help Bae

Although it was not his fault, Dennis Rodman said that he was sorry that he could not do anything for Kenneth Bae during his latest visit to North Korea recently.

The former NBA star said he wanted to do a lot of good things but he was sorry that he could not do anything about the situation of the American prisoner. He made the revelation at an airport in Beijing after his trip to North Korea.

The visit was the fourth one for the basketball star to the reclusive nation. He was accompanied by a group of former NBA players who played an exhibition game against the North Korean men’s basketball team. It was held on the birthday of Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea. Dennis Rodman considers the North Korean leader as a good friend.

A video emerged showing Rodman singing “Happy Birthday” to the North Korean leader prior to the event.

The flamboyant basketball star was criticized by a number of people since he did not attempt to convince Kim to free Bae. The American has been imprisoned for over a year and is reportedly in poor health. In an earlier interview from North Korea, Rodman ranted on CNN and appeared incoherent at times.

However, Rodman apologized for the comments he made, and said he was stressed and was drinking during the interview. He also said the trip to North Korea was mainly a goodwill visit.

He said that he is not an ambassador or a president. He added that he is an individual who wants to show that everyone can get along and become happy for at least one day. Dennis Rodman is reportedly planning another visit to North Korea next month.

Posted by on Wednesday January 15 2014, 2:53 AM EDT. Ref: LA Times. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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