Dentist Recommend Fluoride Toothpaste For Children Of All Ages

Dentist Recommend Fluoride Toothpaste For Children Of All Ages

Dentist Recommend Fluoride Toothpaste For Children Of All Ages

The American Dental Association also known as the ADA recommends that fluoride rich toothpaste be given to children of all ages in the appropriate dosage. Generally, parents wait until their children reach the age of six before giving them fluoride toothpaste, however, the ADA suggests that it can be administered even before the age of two.

Dental specialists say that rice-bean sized portion be given to children under the age of two with the dosage increasing to pea-sized when they pass the age of three. The ADA previously suggested that children only use water to brush their teeth until the age of six, however, based on results from systematic review that showed high effectiveness and safety they recommended fluoride for all ages.

Edmond Truelove, chairman of ADA’s Council on Scientific Affairs said that the ADA recommended fluoride toothpaste as a measure to protect teeth from cavities for more than 50 years, and that based on recent research, this still holds true for people of all ages.

According to Edmond Truelove nearly 25 percent of all children under the age of six develop cavities before they reach kindergarten. He adds that this is why it is important to send a message that fluoride enriched toothpaste can help children protect their teeth better as long as it is administered in appropriate dosages.

Posted by on Saturday February 15 2014, 7:12 AM EDT. Ref: techtimes. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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