Destruction Of Chemical Weapons Of Syria Pleases Kerry

Destruction Of Chemical Weapons Of Syria Pleases Kerry

Destruction Of Chemical Weapons Of Syria Pleases Kerry

US Secretary of State John Kerry said recently that he was pleased with reports that the process of the destruction of the chemical weapons of Syria has already started.

Kerry also gave credit to the Syrian government for promptly meeting the terms of the resolution of the UN on the destruction of its arsenal of chemical weapons. Kerry said the move was a good start for Syria. He added that Moscow and Washington agreed to urge the UN to establish a date for a peace conference in Syria.

Kerry indicated that they were delighted with the rate in connection to the chemical weapons of Syria. He added that it was a remarkable example of international cooperation and that credit should also be given to the regime of President Bashar Assad.

However, the State Department clarified later that the statements of Secretary Kerry did not praise Assad. Marie Harf, deputy spokeswoman, indicated that the UN and Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons have to work with the regime, which has the responsibility in facilitating the destruction of the chemical weapons of Syria. The statement was not giving praise or legitimacy.

The statements of Kerry came as the work of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons started in Syria. Personnel from Syria utilized angle grinders and cutting torches in disabling and destroying a number of items under the supervision of the Netherlands-based organization, according to an associate spokeswoman from the office of Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General.

Eri Kaneko said that the items that were destroyed included aerial bombs, warheads and other equipment.

The team of inspectors reached Damascus after the August 21 chemical attack against areas controlled by Syrian rebels.

The US and its allies along with the opposition blamed the attack on the regime of President Bashar Assad. On the other hand, the Syrian government indicated that the rebels were behind the attack. The attack resulted to threats of military strikes against the Syrian regime. However, diplomatic negotiations defused the situation and resulted to a UN resolution, which included the destruction of the chemical weapons of Syria.

Posted by on Tuesday October 08 2013, 8:13 AM EDT. Ref: NBC News. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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