Discounted BlackBerry Cause Stampede, Buyers Injured

Discounted BlackBerry Cause Stampede, Buyers Injured

Discounted BlackBerry Cause Stampede, Buyers Injured

An event organizer for BlackBerry smart phones was captured by police due to criminal negligence. According to reports, the event organizer gave promotional discounts which led to a crush and injured three people.

Likewise, South Jakarta police Budi Irawan told the media that the suspect is under investigation already. Further, suspect is set to spend five years in jail after causing the chaos which resulted to physical injuries of the crowd.

It was Friday when thousands of Indonesians rushed to the Pacific Place mall in Jakarta in a bid to get the discounted BlackBerry smart phones. Indonesia is the BlackBerry’s biggest market outside North America. Police officials added that BlackBerry makers Research in Motion (RIM) had broadcasted that their new BlackBerry Bold 9790 will be offered to the market at a half price to the first 1,000 customers. Due to this announcement, BlackBerry Indonesian fans gathered outside the Pacific Place mall for a chance to own the newest model at the rate of $260. Some BlackBerry fans even queued a day earlier, according to officials.

Several people fainted, while three people were injured and immediately brought to the hospital. RIM in its statement has closed the event to stop the sudden chaos that broke and ensure safety of the crowd and their staff.


Posted by on Monday November 28 2011, 7:28 AM EDT. Ref: Google. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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