“Django Unchained” Action Figures Spark More Controvery

“Django Unchained” Action Figures Spark More Controvery

“Django Unchained” Action Figures Spark More Controvery

With Tarantino’s latest movie “Django Unchained” being one of the most talked about movies in recent years it seems it simply can’t avoid controversy.

With people either praising or criticizing the movie for the way it treats the sensible subject of slavery and the way Tarantino uses extremely violent, sometimes gore like effects, it seems that some people now have an issue with the action figures of the movies main characters.

The toy produced by NECA and the Weinstein Co. who are for sale both online and in shops and which are targeted for people 17 and over came under the scrutiny of Najee Ali, the director of Project Islamic Hope, an advocacy group that deems the "Django Unchained" toys insensitive, and wants them to be taken off the market.

In a conference held in L.A. this Tuesday Najee Ali, called for all black community leaders to boycott the action figures calling them “a slap in the face of our ancestors”.

He also said that he is outraged and that the "Django Unchained" inspired toys trivialize slavery and the horror that African Americans had to endure in the past.

This isn't the first batch of action figures inspired by a Tarantino movie, actually, the director had limited edition collectables made for all his movies.

Even with the bad reputation and sometimes fierce opponents, “Django Unchained” is a hit at the box office earning close to $110 million dollars.

Posted by on Wednesday January 09 2013, 8:16 AM EDT. Ref: Huffington Post. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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