Doc Savage To Star Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is set to star as Doc Savage in an upcoming movie adaptation of the pulp action hero. The upcoming movie will be directed by Shane Black, who is planning to work on it after a reboot of “Predator” for Fox.

The actor revealed recently that he would be working with the director in bringing the pulp fiction character to the big screen. Sony Pictures has been working on the movie for some time already and the director will work on it soon.

Johnson revealed that he worked over the weekend with screenwriters Charles Mondry and Anthony Bagarozzi. He indicated that they were working on a story about “this very cool project.” The actor added that the main reason he is excited to play the character is the fact that he is a “hilarious weirdo.”

Doc Savage To Star Dwayne Johnson

Doc Savage To Star Dwayne Johnson - image credit:

Shane Black, the man behind Iron Man 3 and Lethal Weapon, just noted the positive reviews from critics on “The Nice Guys,” which stars Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe. But, the movie saw modest returns in the US box office. Black was set to direct and co-write an adaptation of Doc Savage in 2013 after developing the script for a number of years. The title was billed by Sony as a franchise starter.

Dwayne Johnson will produce the movie through Seven Bucks Production together with Neal H. Moritz, Ori Marmur, Michale Uslan and Hiram Garcia. Moritz worked with the actor in a number of the Fast & Furious movies. FJ DeSanto will also co-produce the movie.

The upcoming movie is another one under the belt for the actor, who also stars in “Central Intelligence” with Kevin Hart. The action comedy movie will hit the big screen on June 17. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson will also star in an adaptable of “Baywatch” and “Fast 8.” Aside from working on “Doc Savage,” Johnson will also work on a sequel to “San Andreas” and has signed on a “Jumanji” remake.


It's OFFICIAL: For all comic book fans you already know the world's first superhero (pre-dating Superman) is the "Man of Bronze" himself Clark "Doc" Savage. Want to thank my bud director/writer Shane Black and his writing team Anthony Bagarozzi and Chuck Mondry for flying in from LA and sitting with me and our @sevenbucksprod's producer @hhgarcia41 on this Memorial Day weekend to chop up creative and break story on this very cool project. Comic book fans around the world know that the cool thing about "Doc" Savage is that he's the inspiration for Superman. First name Clark, called "Man of Bronze", retreats to his "Fortress of Solitude" in the Arctic etc etc. Doc was physically and mentally trained from birth by his father and a team of scientists to become the perfect human specimen with a genius level intellect. His heightened senses are beyond comprehension. He can even identify a women's perfume from half a mile away. He is literally the master of everything. But here's the #1 reason I'm excited to become Doc Savage.. HE'S A F*CKING HILARIOUS WEIRDO! Confidently, yet innocently he has zero social graces whatsoever due to his upbringing so every interaction he has with someone is direct, odd, often uncomfortable and amazingly hilarious. After speaking for hours w/ Shane Black I can see why the creator of Superman took only the best parts of Doc Savage and leaving the "weirdo" part behind. But to us, it's that "weirdo" part that makes Clark "Doc" Savage dope! Can't wait to sink my teeth into this one of a kind character. #ItsOfficial #WorldsFirstSuperhero #GeniusIntellect #PhysicalSpecimen #FnLoveableWeirdo #ManOfBronze #DocSavage

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Posted by on Tuesday May 31 2016, 1:30 PM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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