Duck Dynasty Returns This Wednesday

Duck Dynasty Returns This Wednesday

Duck Dynasty Returns This Wednesday

Duck Dynasty will return with its full cast this Wednesday on A&E. It is expected to get more than 20 million Americans tuning in especially after last month’s controversy involving Phil Robertson’s suspension for some less than tactful declarations.

Robertson’s suspension created huge fan uproar, convincing execs at A&E to rethink his suspension. The high figures the show is expected to see on its return and the abrupt manner in which the scandal was resolved has left many people wondering if the whole deal wasn’t just a publicity stunt.

Duck Dynasty is the most viewed non-musical, non-scripted series on TV, and conspiracy theorists might argue that the stunt was so elaborate that the series would premiere on the same night “American Idol” was set to begin.

Robertson’s comments on gay people in GQ were considered to be homophobic by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. A&E thought they could easily defuse the situation by suspending Robertson, however, as they soon learned, suspending the main character form the biggest series in the company’s history might be a mistake.

Seeing as most of the season was already taped, A&E decided to succumb to fan pressure and reinstate Robertson. With tonight’s premiere one thing is sure, along with huge ratings the show is bound to be bombarded by both fans and critics that think Phil Robertson got away too easy.

Posted by on Thursday January 16 2014, 5:11 AM EDT. Ref: newsday. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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