EBook Readers Are Winning Ground

EBook Readers Are Winning Ground

EBook Readers Are Winning Ground

With the popularity of eBook readers and tablets on the rise this year also came an impressive number of Americans that chose to do their reading electronically rather than on text.

Close to 33 percent of Americans ages 16 and older are currently owners of tablets or eBook readers like the very popular Kindle or iPad. This is an almost 15 percent increase since last year when the same age group was noted at about 18 percent.

This increase in popularity of electronic reading devices was coupled with a slight decrease in sales of printed text.

Pew Research showed that the number of people who read eBooks who are 16 and older rose to 23 percent from 16 percent just last year.At the same time, the same age group who read printed books was reported to have a drop in percentage to 67 percent from 72 percent last year.

The same survey shows that people are starting to prefer to do their reading on tablets rather than on eBook readers as they are more versatile and offer a far larger array of functions than even high end eBook readers.

This was seen as Kindle released Kindle Fire, and Nook Tablet to compete with the big names like the iPad or the Samsung Galaxy tablet. This might be the begging of the end for eBook readers and another rise in sales for tablets.


Posted by on Friday December 28 2012, 5:34 AM EDT. Ref: Washington Post. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Shopping. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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