Eight-Minute Trailer For The Elder Scrolls Online Released

Eight-Minute Trailer For The Elder Scrolls Online Released

Eight-Minute Trailer For The Elder Scrolls Online Released

The latest trailer of “The Elder Scrolls Online” was released recently by Bethesda as it continued a current trend in the industry of producing big-budget trailers for MMOs.

The story of the game that was shown in the last computer-generated trailer is continued in the latest eight-minute trailer. The three cover heroes are shown fighting before a new demonic threat catches their attention. The action is also brought closer to Cyrodiil, the capital city of Tamriel as the trailer develops. The city is a familiar sight for Oblivion players.

In addition to the release of the trailer, Bethesda also gave an idea on the contents of the Imperial Edition.

The Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition was announced recently by Bethesda. It will be available digitally and physically. The digital version of the product is available at around $80 while the physical version will have a price tag of around $100.

The physical version of the product will also include a thirty-inch statue of Molag bai, a daedric prince. It will also come with a guide to Tamriel that features illustrations and a map of the entire continent. An elegant steel book is also included in the physical version of the product.

Players will also have the capability of playing as an Imperial in the in-game content. It will include a unique white horse mount together with the Rings of Mara and a Mudcrab pet. Players can also receive an experience bonus when they play together with a friend. The same in-game content will also be available on the digital version of “The Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition.”

Enthusiasts can expect the fame to be released for the Mac and PC by April 4. The game will feature a thirty-day MMO subscription. However, a $15 monthly fee is necessary if players want to continue playing. “The Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition” will not require the PlayStation Plus when it will be available to the PS4, according to producer Matt Firor.

Posted by on Friday January 31 2014, 5:08 AM EDT. Ref: Game Spot. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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