Emotional win for Norway at the FINA World Championships

Emotional win for Norway at the FINA World Championships

Emotional win for Norway at the FINA World Championships

Norwegian Swimmer, Alexander Dale Oen, was very emotional when he won the gold medal in the 100 meters breaststroke at the 2011 FINA World Swimming Championships in Shanghai. Just right after winning the race, the swimmer pointed to the Norwegian flag at his swimming cap. He dedicated his win to more than 90 people who lost their lives last Friday at the two deadly and tragic incidents that struck Norway.

Dale Oen said that it was indeed a very memorable moment for his country. For him, seeing the Norwegian flag, hearing the country’s national anthem, everything that happened from the tragic events are all coming back and it’s very shocking what happened three days ago.

Brazilian Swimmer, Cesar Cielo, was also very emotional and even broke down in tears after his win in the 50 meters butterfly event. Earlier this year, the Brazilian Swimmer was banned due to his alleged doping violations. But Sport’s Arbitration Court dropped the case and the ruling was in favor for Cielo four day prior 2011 FINA World Swimming Championships.

During the medal presentations ceremony, Cielo broke down in tears. Other swimmers were noticeable for their hand gestures protesting his win and seemed unhappy. Some of the crown jeered Cielo’s victory too.

China and the United States also won gold medals; the first for each respective country. Winning the 100 meter butterfly was Dana Vollmer of the U.S. while Shiwen Ye, 15, of China triumphed in the 200 meter medley

Posted by on Wednesday July 27 2011, 11:27 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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