Fake Pregnant Woman Smuggles Drugs From Colombia

Fake Pregnant Woman Smuggles Drugs From Colombia

Fake Pregnant Woman Smuggles Drugs From Colombia

A woman was arrested at the Bogota airport in Colombia after she tried to smuggle cocaine out of the country and into Canada. The woman whose name is Tabitha Leah Ritchie has Canadian citizenship and is currently being held at the Bogota police station.

Ritchie tried to smuggle cocaine out of Colombia, a veritable pastime for tourists that visit the country by wearing a latex appendix that made her look pregnant. The Canadian citizen was asked how far along was she. After responding that she is 7 months pregnant, the Colombian security guard became suspicious and frisked Ritchie only to reveal that her very cold and hard belly was a latex appendix that was taped to her body.

According to police colonel Esteban Arias Melo, security officers at the airport also found around two kilograms of cocaine inside the fake baby bump.

If Ritchie will be convicted for drug trafficking she could face up to 8 years in a Colombian jail. Tabitha Leah Ritchie who is 28 years of age arrived in Bogota on August 6th posing as a tourist.

Drug trafficking, especially by foreigners is a very common type of infraction in Colombia with 44 foreigners being arrested thus far in 2013. Official Colombian police data suggests that 874 foreigner are being held in jail for the same offense at this time.

Posted by on Friday September 13 2013, 4:26 AM EDT. Ref: skynews. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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