Fewer Republicans Believe In Evolution Now Than In 2009

Fewer Republicans Believe In Evolution Now Than In 2009

Fewer Republicans Believe In Evolution Now Than In 2009

According to Pew Research, fewer Republicans believe in evolution now than in 2009. According to a survey released this Monday, about 43 percent of people who identify with the Republican Party believe that humans have evolved to their current form over time. This represents a significant drop from the 54 percent that believed so in 2009.

Forty-eight percent of people who identify themselves with the Republican Party believe that “humans and other living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time”. This represents a significant rise from the 39 percent in 2009.

The number of people who identify with the Democratic Party and believe in evolution has remained more or less unchanged at 65 percent in 2009 and 67 percent in 2012.

According to the survey most white evangelical Protestants and half of the African-American Protestants reject the theory of evolution. High numbers of white Catholics and mainline Protestants believe in evolution however, more than half of them believe it was influenced in one way or another by a “supreme being”.

The survey says the huge drop in evolution believers when it comes to Republican Party sympathizers shows the influence of eccentric ideologies and the “religious right” in rural areas, especially in the southern and mid-western regions  of the United States.

Posted by on Wednesday January 01 2014, 4:14 AM EDT. Ref: cbs. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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