Filipino Undergoes Multiple Surgery to be Superman

Filipino Undergoes Multiple Surgery to be Superman

Filipino Undergoes Multiple Surgery to be Superman

A Filipino man has gone through the knife due to his strong obsession to Superman and also an attempt to look like his favorite comic book action figure, as reported Monday. The man is Herbert Chavez, 35 years old.

He had gone through several cosmetic surgeries for the past 16 years just to have that Superman defined nose and cleft chin. He also had thigh implants to get that muscular look and had silicone injections to achieve fuller lips.

Dozens of photos of him can be seen from his own Facebook page and also some posts that explain his obsession to look like the Man of Steel. Since he was a kid, he always wanted to look and be like Superman. He believes that having that Superman look will make him contented and happy as long as he doesn’t hurt anyone, a post from his Facebook account.

Although he does not have superhuman powers like Superman but he hopes to inspire other people through his story that anything in life is achievable for as long as you worked hard for it. An old picture of Chavez depicts a dark-skinned youth with ordinary features before his transformation. Currently, he had achieved that Superman look with his now pale and fair complexion and Superman’s slicked back hairstyle.


Posted by on Tuesday October 11 2011, 4:34 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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