First-Day Sales Of GTA 5 Reach $800 Million

First-Day Sales Of GTA 5 Reach $800 Million

First-Day Sales Of GTA 5 Reach $800 Million

The recently-released Grand Theft Auto V or GTA 5 of Take-Two recorded sales reaching $800 million on the first day it entered the market.

Take-Two revealed that the game set a record for sales in the first day of availability in the history of Rockstar Games and the franchise. The company expects the game to break the record for the biggest first-day sales in the history of gaming. The game has yet to be formally introduced in Brazil and Japan.

For the moment, GTA 5 is only available on the Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation game consoles. However, more than 440,000 people signed up for a petition asking the company to make the game available for PC users. Although the company has yet to make an announcement, the game is also expected to be released for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Take-Two Chief Executive and Chairman Strauss Zelnick indicated that the company is excited with the initial response of the market to Grand Theft Auto V. He added that the Rockstar Games team has outdone itself again as they set a new standard in the entertainment industry,

The company revealed that over 8,300 stores across the country were open to accommodate buyers at midnight.

The sales figure for GTA 5 is expected to remain the record as the biggest first-day total sales of a videogame. First-day sales of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 reached $500 million when it was initially offered in the market last year. On the other hand, first-day sales of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 reached $400 million when it was released in 2011.

Although GTA 5 scored high on Metacritic, a number of reviewers criticized the portrayal of some characters in the game. Critics said that the characters were unprincipled thugs that symbolize violence. However, some people indicated that that was the point of the entire GTA series.

Zelnick said that the company is proud of the creative achievement of Rockstar Games and the successful launch of GTA 5 in the market.

Posted by on Wednesday September 18 2013, 10:52 PM EDT. Ref: PC World. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Shopping. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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