First Gay Marriage Broadcast Live On French TV

First Gay Marriage Broadcast Live On French TV

First Gay Marriage Broadcast Live On French TV

In what was a historical date, French television stations had the opportunity to broadcast the first gay couple marriage in the county after the bill that legalized gay marriage was recently passed by French lawmakers.

The whole ceremony was conducted under heavy police surveillance as in past weeks a series of protests emerged while the bill was being debated.

Vincent Autin and Bruno Boileau exchanged vows and tied the know to Frank Sinatra’s “Love and Marriage”.

The couple said that there are still a lot of battles gay people have to fight in France but that today is a day of celebration. The mayor of Montpellier,the city where the ceremony took place, walked out with the couple saying that this was a historic day and a big step in the modernization of France.

The new couple said they are honored to be the first gay couple to get married in France and that they will have a private ceremony for friends and family.

The gay marriage and adoption bill was a main priority for Francois Hollande as he ran for office. After his election and on the basis of some economic trouble Francois Hollande’s popularity dropped and the bill was in trouble as the difference of perception between the urban part of France and the more conservative rural part became more obvious, and opposition for the gay marriage bill became more vocal.

Posted by on Friday May 31 2013, 3:55 AM EDT. Ref: thehindu. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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