Flu Shots Advised By FDA for Children Due To Influenza Season

Flu Shots Advised By FDA for Children Due To Influenza Season

Flu Shots Advised By FDA for Children Due To Influenza Season

As the influenza season gets going in the US, the FDA together with the CDC has advised giving children a flu shot.

William Rodriguez, MD, PhD, of the FDA said that in addition to the elderly, who are susceptible to influenza, it is advisable to have children get flu shots to protect them. Children who are less than two years old may experience severe complications while all children who are at least six months old should receive immunization.

Widespread influenza outbreaks have been reported in 43 states. Seven other states have reported localized outbreaks.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed an increase in flu activity in the US. More flu-like illnesses have also been encountered across the country.

The Influenza Division chief of the Epidemiology and Prevention at the CDC indicated that reported flu-like illnesses have nearly reached peak levels during seasons that are supposed to be moderately severe. Although the severity of the sickness remains uncertain, a good number of people are contracting influenza even as reports have indicated hospitalizations and severe illness.

Dr. Joe Bresee said that people who were not able to get flu shots should get it already. Influenza antiviral medications should be given to people experiencing severe flu illness or are at risk of complications due to the illness even if they already had their flu shots.

Although the flu season normally peaks sometime in January and February, there are instances when it extends up to the early part of spring or after.

Dr. Rodriguez indicated that getting flu shots at this time is already rather late in the influenza season since children from six to thirty-five months should receive flu shots four weeks apart to attain the best immunization result. But one flu shot will offer additional protection to the children even at this time.

Influenza shots are normally given in the early part of autumn since it takes a number of weeks before immunization to take effect. But people can still provide protection to their family through flu shots as the influenza season starts to become severe across the United States.

Posted by on Thursday January 10 2013, 8:38 AM EDT. Ref: Guardian. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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