Forbes Names Adam Sandler Most Overpaid Actor

Forbes Names Adam Sandler Most Overpaid Actor

Forbes Names Adam Sandler Most Overpaid Actor

Forbes magazine has named Adam Sandler as the most overpaid actor of 2013. The prestigious magazine chose Sandler for the number one spot because of his huge upfront fees, and modest results when it comes to box office success.

The 47-year-old comedy actor star of "Jack & Jill" and "That’s My Boy", movies that didn't exactly do well in terms of proftis has been chosen for the number one spot after estimates say that for every $1 he gets paid he only manages to return $3.90. Sandler’s latest movie, “That’s My Boy” cost approximately $70 million to make while making only $57 million in return.

The position was held last year by funny man Eddie Murphy, who had an even lower $2.30 return for every dollar he gets paid.

Sandler was followed in the most overpaid actos’s list by Katherine Heigl and Reese Witherspoon. Heigl managing a $3.50 return for every paid dollar and Witherspoon a $3.90 for every dollar paid.

Completing the top ten are Nicolas Cage, Kevin James, Denzel Washington, Steve Carrell, Jennifer Aniston, Matt Damon and Ryan Reynolds. Forbes took the last three films the actors have starred in as far back as three years ago up to July 2013 to come up with the figures. This means Adam Sandler’s “Grown Ups 2”, who had decent sales did not make the list, a movie that might have helped the actor avoid the top position.

Posted by on Wednesday December 11 2013, 2:58 AM EDT. Ref: BBC. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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