Former President Vicente Fox Will Not Pay For The Wall Of Trump

The response of former president Vicente Fox of Mexico to the plans of Donald Trump in building a wall along the border of Mexico and the United States was blunt. Fox said in an interview at the “Al Punte” set of Univision that he was not going to pay for the wall. He also called the Republican presidential candidate “egocentric” and “crazy.”

He added that Trump should pay for the wall since he has the money. When Trump saw the response, he tweeted his own response on Thursday. He said Fox should apologize. He added during the Republican presidential debate on Thursday that the wall is not taller by ten feet.

Current Mexican officials were calmer in their response to the claim of Trump even though they did not dismiss it. President Enrique Peña Nieto said the comments of Trump on Mexico were unfortunate and he said he will not contribute to anyone who is vying to become a presidential candidate, as indicated on the Atlantic.

Former President Vicente Fox Will Not Pay For The Wall Of Trump

Former President Vicente Fox Will Not Pay For The Wall Of Trump - image credit:

Ambassador Miguel Basanez of Mexico said Trump knows that his claims are false and is aware that he should apologize to the Mexicans. The Mexican ambassador to the United States made the statement in August during a confirmation hearing of the Senate of Mexico.

Former president Felipe Calderon echoed the sentiments of Vicente Fox saying that the Mexican people will not pay for the wall. He also described Trump as a man who was not well-informed. Calderon also said the United States will be at the losing end of this policy since closing the borders will not bring prosperity to the US.

Fox also said he wanted to know the Latinos who voted for Trump during the caucuses in Nevada. He said they were following “a false prophet” who will bring them to the desert. Vicente Fox added that the Latinos will not benefit from a Trump administration and they should start to open their eyes.


Posted by on Friday February 26 2016, 10:27 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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