G20 Summit A Failure For Obama’s Politics

G20 Summit A Failure For Obama’s Politics

G20 Summit A Failure For Obama’s Politics

Even with a less than impressive result for United States politics regarding the Middle East, Barack Obama’s Escalade managed to impress during his arrival at the G20 meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia.

The car fondly dubbed “The Beast” stood impressively among the sea of sedans that carried other world leaders.

One of the most important topics of discussion during the meeting was the situation of the Syrian civil war and the possibility of a foreign military intervention after the alleged chemical attacks that the Bashar al-Assad regime carried out against its own people.

Other than France, who clearly manifested a desire to intervene in the situation, the United States didn't find much support among the countries that attended. A decisive stand was made by E.U. leaders who acknowledged the dire situation in Syria but said that a political solution can be a better solution to the civil war.

With all other solutions to the crisis being vetoed by either China or Russia it seems that nothing will change very soon in the way the Syrian war is unfolding.

The heads of state from the biggest developing nations also seemed to lean more towards Vladimir Putin’s solution of not interfering, a decision that could be a backlash of the NSA scandal that exposed U.S.’s surveillance of allied countries.

Posted by on Friday September 06 2013, 8:34 AM EDT. Ref: time. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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