G8 Sochi Summit To Be Ignored By US

G8 Sochi Summit To Be Ignored By US

G8 Sochi Summit To Be Ignored By US

Russia is set to be temporarily excluded from the G8 summit, according to the United States and its allies. The group also indicated that it will boycott the Sochi summit in response to the takeover of Crimea by Russia.

However, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov of Russia said if the G8 will not convene, it will not be a major issue.

Seven members of the group discussed strategies on dealing with the aggression of Moscow in Ukraine at The Hague. The seven members warned of serious consequences against the actions of Russia. The seven members also indicated that the actions will intensify and may affect the economy of Russia in the future.

The group also indicated that it will not join the Sochi summit and the participation of Russia in the group will be suspended until significant changes are made by the country. Although a number of sanctions were already imposed against Russia, Moscow was urged to avoid additional advances.

Additional economic sanctions may be imposed against Russia if it did not stand down. Concerns on the huge number of Russian forces along the border were voiced out by Marie Harf, a spokeswoman for the State Department.

Officials in Ukraine have indicated that preparations for an attack may already being made by Russia. Lavrov finally got the opportunity to discuss the situation with Andriy Deshchytsia, the foreign minister of Ukraine,. Deshchytsia said concerns have increased on the military buildup of Russia along its border.

The annexation of the Crimean Peninsula by Russia was swift after a referendum last week. Modest sanctions were imposed by the United States and the European Union mainly on individuals. These efforts failed to minimize the advances of the government of Russia.

President Barack Obama revealed that the US is united with its allies in imposing sanctions against Russia.

Nuclear terrorism is normally the topic in the summit of the G8. The discussion started with an announcement by Japan of the turnover of uranium and plutonium to the United States. The summit of the G8 also focused on providing economic aid to Ukraine even as Russia was excluded from the meeting.

Posted by on Wednesday March 26 2014, 5:04 AM EDT. Ref: Fox News. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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