Game Of Thrones Leads Most Pirated Shows in 2013

Game Of Thrones Leads Most Pirated Shows in 2013

Game Of Thrones Leads Most Pirated Shows in 2013

While "Breaking Bad" was without doubt the most impressive show of 2013, "Game of Thrones" ended the year on the top of the most illegally downloaded shows list. The "Game of Thrones" saga was on the top of the most downloaded TV shows for the second year in row according to TorrentFreak’s lists.

The third season of the popular “Game of Thrones” saga was downloaded 5.9 million times on BitTorrent a peer to peer file sharing website.The number is particularly impressive considering it managed to surpass the 5.5 million people who watched the show live. This year’s numbers topped those of 2012 when just 4.28 million people downloaded the show.

“Breaking Bad” and “The Walking Dead” held the other two spot the end the top three. Breaking Bad was downloaded 4.2 million times while the zombie drama “The Walking Dead” was downloaded 3.6 million times.

Both AMC shows in the top three are available to stream on websites like Netflix or Amazon Instant Video while “Game of Thrones” can only be viewed on HBO GO, a streaming service that requires a HBO subscription.

The numbers reflect only downloads from the BitTorrent tracker. Factoring in downloads from other trackers and illegal streaming sites would raise the numbers quite severely, something that Jeff Bewkes, Time Warner CEO says can only lead to more buzz and more subscriptions.

Posted by on Sunday December 29 2013, 5:25 AM EDT. Ref: nbc. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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