Game Of Thrones Movies Taken Into Consideration

Game Of Thrones Movies Taken Into Consideration

Game Of Thrones Movies Taken Into Consideration

Even as the excitement level of fans increased with the latest trailer of the “Game of Thrones,” it appears that something else is being considered by the creator of the creator of the series, George RR Martin. Martin revealed that he is taking into consideration the possibility of making a movie about the hit series.

He candidly discussed possible plans of bringing the story into the big screen. He added the concept is being taken into consideration out of the public’s eye.

Martin said the movie based on the “Game of Thrones” will be dependent on the main series and whether it will last for seven, eight or ten years. He added that it may be necessary to have a feature to link up the story as the scope of the books become bigger. He said it may also have a budget of around $100 million and the movie may last up to two hours.

The fantasy author also said he would not go against turning his three stories into movies. These movies will serve as prequels to the series used as the basis for the show on HBO.

Even as Martin may aim to make movies out of his stories, the TV series has also started to become bigger as well. A big number of character deaths will be featured on season four of the TV series. The co-creator of the show revealed that the series has become more intense. David added that they had some episodes serving as breathing space in the past. However, the present season will not offer any break, and it may be possible for season four of the “Game of Thrones” to outdo the third season of the show.

Posted by on Saturday March 22 2014, 5:53 AM EDT. Ref: Huffington Post. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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