Gay Mississippi Mayor Uses City Funds for Personal Expenses

Gay Mississippi Mayor Uses City Funds for Personal Expenses

Gay Mississippi Mayor Uses City Funds for Personal Expenses

Mayor Greg Davis admitted after an audit proving that he had the city pay for his personal expenses, including a visit to a gay store in Canada. Greg Davis, a Republican, has been under investigation for misappropriation of city funds amounting to $170,000 on both his city-issued and personal credit cards.

Commercial Appeal proved that Mayor Davis used the city’s money in paying for his liquor, expensive dinners and items worth $67 at Priape, “Canada’s premiere gay lifestyle store and sex shop.”

For the first time, Southaven Mayor Greg Davis had revealed in public that he is gay and that he has struggled enough to hide his sexuality to avoid affecting his position as mayor of Mississippi’s 3rd largest city.

According to Mayor Davis in his interview with Commercial Appeal “At this point in my life and in my career, while I have tried to maintain separation between my personal and public life, it is obvious that this can no longer remain the case.”

He further stated, “While I have performed my job as mayor, in my opinion, as a very conservative, progressive individual – and still continue to be a very conservative individual – I think that it is important that I discuss the struggles I have had over the last few years when I came to the realization that I am gay.”






Posted by on Monday December 19 2011, 3:53 AM EDT. Ref: CNN. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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