Global Salmon Fish Market Report: 2016 Edition New Report Published

The worldwide cultivated salmon business sector has made colossal commitment to the general fish industry. The previous couple of years enrolled a striking development in the generation of aquacultured salmon. Norway and Chile are the predominant makers, with more than three-fourth share of the worldwide cultivated salmon. Other major delivering regions include UK and North America. As far as utilization is concerned, the overall salmon utilization is separated among noteworthy markets: the European Union crisp and solidified business sector, the Japanese new and solidified business sector, the US new and solidified business sector, canned salmon markets and different markets. The European Union rules the overall salmon business sector. As far as cultivated salmon creation is concerned, the worldwide business sector is dominated by Marine Harvest, Leroy Seafood, and Cermaq, SalMar.

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The business has seen a few changes in its long history, which have added to its development reliably. Discussing the present business sector inclines, industry growth is augmented by the factors such as rising per capita income and global GDP, rate of urbanization. Key trends observed in the salmon industry growing preference for Salmon based on age group, situations and country of origin. Feed production is one of the factor that initiated growth of salmonids worldwide.  Notwithstanding, the salmon business sector is confronted with various difficulties, including organic dangers and ecological risks, rising sealice levels which call for pressing answers for stay away from any decrease in the business sector development.

The present report dissects the business sector size and division of the worldwide salmon business sector. The different drivers, opportunities and the difficulties confronted by the business sector are additionally examined in subtle element. The aggressive part of the business sector is highlighted and the key players are profiled with their techniques for this business sector.

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Key Points from Table of Content 

2. Salmonids Industry 
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Atlantic Salmon
2.1.2 Pacific Salmon
2.2 Production & Cost Structure
2.2.1 Establishing a Salmon Farm
2.2.2 Atlantic Salmon Life / Production Cycle
2.2.3 Production Inputs
2.2.4 Production Costs
2.3 Industry Analysis
2.3.1 Global Salmon Industry Supply by Volume
2.3.2 Global Salmon Industry Supply by Type
2.3.3 Global Salmon Industry Supply by Value
2.3.4 Global Salmon Industry by Consumption
2.3.5 Global Atlantic Salmon Industry by Volume
2.3.6 Global Atlantic Salmon Industry by Region
2.3.7 Global Farmed Atlantic Salmon Industry by Volume
2.3.8 Global Farmed Atlantic Salmon Industry by Region

3. Atlantic Salmonids - Regional Market Analysis
3.1 North American Atlantic Salmon Market
3.1.1 North American Atlantic Salmon Market by Harvest Volume
3.1.2 The US Farmed Atlantic Salmon Market by Consumption
3.2 European Atlantic Salmon Market
3.2.1 Norway Atlantic Salmon Market by Harvest Volume
3.2.2 UK Atlantic Salmon Market by Harvest Volume
3.2.3 EU Farmed Atlantic Salmon Market by Consumption
3.3 APAC Atlantic Salmon Market
3.3.1 Asian Farmed Atlantic Salmon Market by Consumption
3.3.2 Russian Farmed Atlantic Salmon Market by Consumption
3.4 Latin America Atlantic Salmon Market
3.4.1 Chilean Atlantic Salmon Market by Harvest Volume
3.4.2 Brazillian Farmed Atlantic Salmon Market by Consumption

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