“Gravity” Breaks Box Office Record For October

“Gravity” Breaks Box Office Record For October

“Gravity” Breaks Box Office Record For October

The $55.6 million ticket sales of “Gravity” in North America allowed the 3D space epic break records for the month of October. It also gave George Clooney and Sandra Bullock their best showing for three days.

The $100 million Alfonso Curan movie highlighted the marketing and production effort of Warner Bros. The movie is expected to play a major role in upcoming awards basing on box office returns and reactions from critics.

Returns increased by 31 percent on Saturday, which indicates that adults were the main audience of the movie. Over 82 percent of the people who watched the movie were adults over 25 years old. Around 60 percent were adults over 35 years old.

Dan Fellman, domestic distribution chief of Warner Bros, indicated that “Gravity” attracted people who have not seen a movie in a number of years. It also attracted people who watch a maximum of two movies each year.

The movie focuses on two astronauts who were left floating in space after their shuttle was damaged. Around 80 percent of the revenue in the opening weekend of “Gravity” was from 3D screens. Around $11.2 million of the revenue came from Imax theaters. This represents around 20 percent of the total ticket sales of the movie.

The former record-holder for the month of October was “Paranormal Activity 3,” which opened with $52.6 million for the month. The previous best record of Clooney was “Batman & Robin” with $42.6 million while Bullock grossed $39.1 million with “The Heat.”

International sales of “Gravity” for Thursday were at $3.8 million in selected market. The only new wide rival for the movie is “Runner Runner” of 20th Century Fox and New Regency. However, it only grossed $7.6 million.

“Runner Runner” stars Ben Affleck and Justin Timberlake. Brad Furman directed the movie that also starred Anthony Mackie and Gemma Arterton.

Another movie that came out over the weekend was “Captain Philips” of Sony, which stars Tom Hanks. Aside from “Gravity,” “Captain Philips” is also expected to become an awards contender.

Posted by on Monday October 07 2013, 8:20 AM EDT. Ref: NBC News. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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