H5N1 Virus Can Kill Half Of The Human Population

H5N1 Virus may Possibly Kill Half Of The Human Population

H5N1 Virus may Possibly Kill Half Of The Human Population

Ron Fouchier in his latest research at Erasmus Medical Centre experimented on the evolution of avian flu virus and developed it to become even more virulent, now known as the H5N1.

Fouchier admitted that the engineered virus is probably the most dangerous virus and can kill half of the human population. Fouchier introduced his work at the influenza conference in Malta and planned to publish said experiment in a scientific journal.

However, many urged Fouchier to stop his plans on publishing said study as this may end up with the wrong hands. Other scientists questioned Fouchier whether the research should have been done or not.

Avian flu is not an airborne disease, until now. Old version of the virus can only be transmitted by mere touching of contaminated things in order to be affected. However, the new engineered version of the virus is airborne, thus it can be acquired by mere breathing.

Experts advised Ron Fouchier that his plan of publishing his study may not be a good idea. Paul Keim of the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity and an anthrax expert even admitted that this new virus is more deadly than the anthrax virus.

But according to Fouchier, in publishing said study, scientist could prepare for the outbreak of H5N1.

Posted by on Wednesday November 30 2011, 5:31 AM EDT. Ref: CNN. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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