Hamid Karzai Believes In US Involvement In Recent Attacks

Hamid Karzai Believes In US Involvement In Recent Attacks

Hamid Karzai Believes In US Involvement In Recent Attacks

President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan thinks the US military and government is behind the recent attacks in Afghanistan. One of the attacks resulted to the death of twenty-one people in Kabul. Among the fatalities were three US citizens.

An Afghan official indicated that the president of Afghanistan thinks the US planned the attacks to make his government weak and aggravate the situation inside the country. However, the official did not indicate that concrete evidence in the involvement of the US in the attacks was available.

The latest report reflects the rift in the relationship between Karzai and the US. The Afghan president has declined signing a provisional agreement that will allow US troops to stay in Afghanistan after 2014. He preferred leaving the issue to the next president after the elections in April.

James Cunningham, US ambassador to Afghanistan, indicated the supposed suspicions of Hamid Karzai shows the conspiratorial view that is far from reality. He said it was not logical for the US to provide assistance to an enemy they are attempting to defeat.

US Commander General Joseph Dunford, Jr. said they worked for twelve years in trying to make Afghanistan peaceful and stable amid the threats from insurgent networks. He added that the reports would be a disservice to the people who sacrificed for the Afghan people.

The Afghan official indicated the theory of Karzai was based on suspicions that the attacks aimed at drawing attention from the civilian casualties due to the airstrikes by the US. The official also indicated that the Taliban did not have the capability of carrying out some attacks such as the one against a restaurant in Kabul.

However, the Taliban denied the involvement of the US in any of their attacks. Zabiullah Mujahid, spokesman for the group, said they carried out the attacks they claimed responsibility for, despite the suspicions of President Hamid Karzai.

Posted by on Thursday January 30 2014, 3:16 AM EDT. Ref: Fox News. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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